I was going to use this date to take some practise shots and location shots to aid my planning. Unfortunately my camera man, Will Spalding, was unable to make this date and therefore we had to postpone.
Friday 5th October - Cromer, beach
On this day I was originally going to start my shoot and get the bulk of my raw footage with the shots of my character Cameron on the beach. However, because of the postponement of my last shoot date, I had to push everything back and so I took some photos of my location on this day instead. By the time I arrived at the beach, the sun had already began to set and so I didnt have enough time to achieve the shots that I would have perhaps liked to; however I still feel I took valuable photos that successfuly show the location in which I will be filming and some ideas of shots I may use.
Friday 12th October - Cromer, beach
On this day I began my shoot. I had my full cast with me which was very helpful as it gave me a chance to shoot all shots that I may need. However, again the light was against us and as the dark drew closer I focused on every shot that I needed with the girls as their availability for shoot dates is more restricted. By the end of the shoot I had successfuly shot all clips I needed of the girls on the beach.
Friday 19th October - Cromer, beach (cancelled)

Friday 19th October - Cringleford, house
Because of the change of plan due to the weather, I used this day to shoot some of the flashback scenes with the characters Cameron and Ellie. The dilemma that was presented here, I feel represents real life scenarios, and I feel I showed good initiative to work around this problem and continue to work on something productive.
Monday 22nd October - Cromer, beach/pier
On this day I shot the remainder of my video and so all my raw footage is complete. I am happy how my shooting went despite the speedbumps that occured along the way and I feel that I managed my time efficiently considering the entire shoot was complete in just under three weeks with only approximately four hours of actual shooting time.
Charlie, if you wait for the weather you wait forever!!! Never let the weather interfer during a shoot unless it's a deluge! Otherwise films would not get off the ground. But your account of your experience is helpful.